Design explains science

How can design explain science? Let’s try an experiment: gather twelve students from a design school, supervised by designers. Add a physicist and a long list scientific topics. Each student can choose any topic and treat it as he wants. The only constraint he/she has is to help the general public understand the science at play. “Design Explains Science” proposes twelve ways designers have imagined to popularize science. It’s up to you to discover them all !

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From left to right 1st row : Julien, Hazem, Véronica, Audrey, Morgan, Paul 2nd row : Elena, François, Oscar, Ulysse, Amira, Simon, Bertille, Silvio, Eleonore, Andréane


The Design-Explains-Science project is a partnairship between the ENSCI-Les Ateliers and physicists from Université Paris Sud and CNRS. It was supported by the ANR Descitech.


The design

Atelier Design et Recherches: François Azambourg, Elena Tossi-Brandi, Véronica Rodriguez
Associated researcher : Anne-Lyse Renon
Associated teachers : Roland Cahen, Veronique Huyghes, Mariette Auvray, Soufiane Adel, Matthieu Barani, Denis Laville, Xavier Vairai, Marc Finot
Photo teacher : Véronique Huyghe


The students

Morgan Alby, Amira Louadah, Paul Capdenat-Christy, Hazem Mahmoud, Audrey Pety, Oscar Clermont, Simon Meienberg, Silvio Rebholz, Eleonore Sense, Ulysse Van Duinen, Bertille Sionneau, Andréane Valot


The Physics

Université Paris-Sud/CNRS : Julien Bobroff